DIY Projects

DIY Projects

The Best Guacamole Ever!

During the Thanksgiving holiday I was lucky enough to sample the BEST Guacamole I’ve ever tasted courtesy of my friend Marisol Hudson Valdès-Berthet.  I’m a big guacamole fan, it is probably one of my most favorite foods.  Avocados are a great source of unsaturated fat and guacamole is packed with vegetables so it’s a super healthy food.  Marisol is originally…
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DIY Projects

How, What, Wine?

Now that the holiday season is upon us, there will be numerous occasions for which you will need to bring a gift.  For dinner parties and the proverbial foodies in our lives, the gift of a bottle of wine is the most obvious choice.  My problem is that I don’t drink.  I know nothing about wine.  I stand confused and…
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DIY Projects

Perfecting the Flourless Chocolate Cookie

Cookies are easy to bake – a little flour, a little sugar, an egg, and maybe some chocolate chips.  Bake in the oven for a bit and presto!  Simple, right?  If the cookie you are talking about is Eric Kayser’s Flourless Chocolate Cookie, then no, it is not simple nor is it basic.  It is difficult, so you should go…
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DIY Projects

Spreadable Deliciousness – Butter Makes it Better!

Butter makes recipes delicious.  I’m talking about the genuine, from-the-cow, whole dairy ingredient.  Yes, butter is high in saturated fat, so don’t eat the entire stick.  The alternative to butter is the trans fat laden and chemical filled margarine.  Margarine and all its cousins are science experiments that someone turned into a food, and they aren’t good for you either.…
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DIY Projects

Amped Up Game Day Nachos!

Weekends in the Fall mean one thing for many people – FOOTBALL!  The sports season brings gatherings of all types from the neighbor next door coming over to a giant group of screaming fans watching the game together.  One thing is certain, you should have plenty of game food ready.  I decided to create a bigger and better version of…
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DIY Projects

Simple Low-Fat Banana Bread

I love banana bread.  It tastes great and makes the house smell delicious as it bakes.  Banana bread is a great alternative to cake, but it tastes very similar.  I use a recipe that cuts out much of the fat and allows for adjustments to the sugar content so you can feel good about indulging in a warm slice.  The…
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DIY Projects

We All Scream For Ice Cream

Summer would not be summer without ice cream.  Ice cream is as American as Uncle Sam or apple pie.  Every Friday in elementary school, our class paid a quarter each to eat ice cream bars for our end of the week treat.  My favorites were orange push-ups and ice cream sandwiches.  I still love orange push-ups and ice cream sandwiches. …
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DIY Projects

Homemade Chicken Stock 101 for $1.01

This is the first post in a new series for Effortless and Exquisite.  The ‘101 for $1.01‘ series will showcase Lifestyle Tips 101 for $1.01 or less!  Let’s get started…Chicken Stock is a great base for soups, pasta, rice, and casseroles.  Substituting chicken stock for water in recipes adds flavor and that little something extra.  However chicken stock, especially organic…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Easter Egg-tastic Bunny Baskets

I love Easter for lots of reasons.  It signifies many celebratory events; the resurrection of Christ, the beginning of spring, color returning to the world following the dreary winter, and in America – candy.   The idea of children running around all cracked out on sugar is scary.  I’m about to gain a stepdaughter and decided to create a fun…
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