DIY Projects

DIY Projects

Chocolate Souffle…The Easy Way

The word souffle intimidates me.  It reminds me of a smoking oven with a beeping fire detector or an uppity french restaurant with no crumbs on perfect white linens.  Sigh, but I really love souffles, especially chocolate…what’s a girl to do?  For Valentine’s weekend I decided to tackle the chocolate souffle – the Effortless and Exquisite way!  I decided to…
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DIY Projects

Effortless Hershey Bar Hot Chocolate

Tonight it is 4 degrees outside.  This is the air temperature and does not account for the wind chill.  The evening calls for a fluffy blanket, warm pajamas, and a steaming mug of hot chocolate.  I was fortunate to have hot chocolate at the Knave at Le Parker Meridien during my visit to New York recently.  It was delightful, simply…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Effortless Economics: Gifts Under Two Dollars

Need a fast gift idea in a real pinch? Maybe you need a gift idea on a tight budget?  Effortless and Exquisite’s gift idea of the day is a effortless and quick present that is creative and fun.  Mugs that come with personalized chocolate stirring spoons are delicious and practical.   The mugs can be made for any occasion, not only during the Christmas holidays. …
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DIY Projects

Effortless Gardening with Gwen – Indoor Herbs for Holiday Dishes

Thanksgiving is about being thankful for blessings, spending time with loved ones, and food.  Eating is one of my favorite activities.  I love tasting new and delicious food and Thanksgiving equals delicious food.  An essential part of making yummy dishes is the perfect blend of herbs and spices.  Fresh herbs are my favorite way to add that special something to food.  Fresh herbs are…
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DIY Projects

Exquisite Christmas Gifts for under Five Dollars – Mmmm Apples

The holiday season is upon us.  Thanksgiving is two weeks away and that makes Christmas just around the corner.  It is the most wonderful time of the year, but it also can be very stressful.  Gifts become expensive as lists grow between children, friends, and work while cortisol levels rise thinking about what’s left to do.  Effortless and Exquisite’s holiday gift series gives ideas to help alleviate some of…
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