DIY Decor

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DIY Decor, Holidays

Use What You Have: Crafting a Simple Centerpiece

I love having people over for dinner, lunch, holidays, movies – I like being in a group with people I love.  I think my favorite part is eating and laughing with my friends.  It is also fun to plan the menu and set a table that is interesting or pretty.  Creating a centerpiece for different occasions without breaking the bank…
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DIY Decor, Holidays

Effortless Greeting Cards 101 for $1.01

I hate shopping for greeting cards.  There are so many to choose from and each one says almost the right thing…but not always.  By the time I read each one on the rack, I’m tired and indecisive.  The climbing prices for poetry on fancy paper are a bit of a deterrent also.   This year for Mother’s Day I decided…
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DIY Decor, Holidays

Gift Wrapping 101 for $1.01

Welcome to another installment in our series ‘101 for $1.01’ – Gift Wrapping!  I love receiving beautifully wrapped gifts as much as I love the present inside.  Spending time wrapping lovely presents adds a little something special to the gift.  My only problem is the cost of gift wrapping necessities. Bags, bows, ribbons, and paper can be super pricey.  So…
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DIY Decor, Holidays

DIY Invitations: How To Craft the Perfect Would You

Anyone planning a party, wedding, bar mitzvah, or shower knows there are too many invitation choices.  There are literally thousands of color, pattern, paper, or print styles to choose from.  Your budget can range from reasonably inexpensive to mortgage level spending depending on what you select.  It gets exhausting, especially since invitations are usually the first item to pick in…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Easter Egg-tastic Bunny Baskets

I love Easter for lots of reasons.  It signifies many celebratory events; the resurrection of Christ, the beginning of spring, color returning to the world following the dreary winter, and in America – candy.   The idea of children running around all cracked out on sugar is scary.  I’m about to gain a stepdaughter and decided to create a fun…
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DIY Decor, Holidays

Effortless Ten Minute Candle Holders

While shopping for decorative elements for my table at Christmas dinner, I saw several candle holders that I loved.  The theme this year is a rustic table incorporating nature with light.  I didn’t want to spend too much money on candle holders and the retail price points I saw were more than I wanted to spend.  So, I decided to make…
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DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Effortless Economics: Gifts Under Two Dollars

Need a fast gift idea in a real pinch? Maybe you need a gift idea on a tight budget?  Effortless and Exquisite’s gift idea of the day is a effortless and quick present that is creative and fun.  Mugs that come with personalized chocolate stirring spoons are delicious and practical.   The mugs can be made for any occasion, not only during the Christmas holidays. …
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