
Weekend Roundup….and a Preview of Things to Come!


I know it’s Tuesday so technically this post should be yesterday – but I’ve been out of town.  Yesterday I was at the doctor.  MS needs constant maintenance, oy vey, very constant maintenance.  I’m lucky that my doctor is amazing, he listens, and he isn’t even kind of surprised by what I tell him.  It is a huge plus that he’s in New York.  We flew up for the weekend on Saturday.  Why Saturday?  Well something very special happened on that day (but you won’t hear about it until next week).  It was a-mazing, the best day.  I’ll give you a quick preview photo, but that’s it.  Stay tuned because exciting things are coming.


The weather was beautiful and we walked around the city.  Lots!  I’d never walked across the Brooklyn Bridge so we did it.  If I did it again, I would pick a day that wasn’t so touristy.  It was really crowded.  However you could see far in both directions and there was a nice view of the Statue of Liberty.

Brooklyn Bridge

Other than that, we ate lots, went to church, and enjoyed the weather.  After the doctor visit, the weather was great so we walked from 98th street to Midtown.  I get weird around appointments and my mood is really pensive, so afterward I’m just quiet.  It was nice to walk along the tree lined 5th Avenue and take in the park before the flight home.  

It’s a pretty city.