DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Transition Thanksgiving To Christmas on Rising!


I know it’s late, I know…..For the past 12 days I’ve been as sick as I’ve ever been (in my life), and I’m still not better yet.  There is a vicious respiratory virus going around, so wash your hands, wash your hands, and run, don’t walk away from sick people.  I don’t even care who I offend at this point; if you’re sick, I’m leaving.  On Thanksgiving morning, I presented an Effortless Girl Thanksgiving to Christmas segment with some super easy tips for using what you have already at home for double holiday duty.  The video and photos are below and the how-to’s will be up starting tomorrow.   Thank you to my equally sick Dad for coming along to help me carry my stuff, the struggle for both of us was real.


The premise was Thanksgiving to Christmas with items in the kitchen.  You could do a leftover buffet for your guests to take home, switching out Thanksgiving Centerpieces to Christmas, blank”>Centerpieces with cranberries (wow, elegant), holiday scents with spices, and easy wreath decor.  Oh and the best place in the world to get a Christmas tree!

The Segment

Thanksgiving to Christmas in Minutes with Centerpiece Switching!

Double Duty Centerpieces

Thanks to Christmas Corner for donating a beautiful wreath to decorate and Janna Avery of Callista Designs for tons of great ideas on how to craft a beautiful wreath!

Wreath from the Kitchen!

Putting the set together….

Arranging things just so!

Happy Holidays!

And I’m ready….whew!