Holidays, St. Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick’s Day Party Hats


Saint Patrick’s Day is coming! Today we’re making ADORABLE party hats and headbands for under $5. The steps are minimal and all of the materials you either have at home or pick them up at a discount store. Nobody has extra time or money right now….I get it! As an FYI, I think the feather headband is elegant and a year-round accessory. A video how-to is here and here. (And yes, the lady in the photo is Maggie Rodriguez so I’m swooning a little).



Green Paper Cup

Electrical Tape

Gold Glitter Paper

Green Paper

Hot Glue

Green Feathers

Adhesive Rhinestones


To make the party hat headbands, start by wrapping black electrical tape around the top of the paper cup for the hat band. Cut an oval-ish (doesn’t have to be perfect) shape in the green paper. This will be the hat brim.

Roll the edges of the green paper up on two sides to give the hat a little shape.

Glue the paper cup to the hat band by using a few dots of hot glue. Cut a square from the gold paper and glue it onto the cup’s hat band for the buckle. Finish the buckle by adding a last square of black tape to the center of the gold square.

Glue the hat off center onto a headband and you’re done! Saint Patrick’s Day Party Hats couldn’t be any easier!

You could also add some feathers for a little extra pizazz….

To create the feather headband, glue dollar store feathers across the top of a headband.

Use hot glue to put a large rhinestone at the base of the feathers to cover the bottom.

The finished product, how adorable are these Saint Patrick’s Day Party Hats? Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!