
Party Like It’s 1995!


I hope y’all had a great weekend.  Mine started slowly as I was sick Friday and ate only chicken soup until Saturday morning.  My high school reunion was Saturday night so I needed to feel better in a hurry.  Sometimes with MS, I feel like I’m always tired and catching up.  I digress.  Anyway, the reunion was stellar thanks to my friend (since kindergarten) John Thompson and his amazing girlfriend Liz.  Those two are the hosts with the most!  It was good to spend time with old friends and special people from back in the day.  Below is our group photo and scenes from the rest of the weekend.

Thanks Elizabeth D’Amico Photography

Pre-reunion, we decided to do a fast hike on Roan Mountain.  I was feeling a little anti-photo due to the wind and the fact I was second-guessing the whole hike with a cold thing, but somebody snuck in a distance shot of my back.  The wind at Carver’s Gap was incredible for such a sunny day – but the scenery!  Wow, wow, and wow!  

I’m looking for a less windy place

The photos make the “blue” in the Blue Ridge Mountains abundantly clear.  I feel blessed to live in what everyone calls “God’s Country.”  We were really close to the clouds!

Pretty City
I hosted a family dinner outside on Sunday night.  There was almost no humidity and the temperature hovered right around 70 degrees.  It was perfect.  Earlier in the day we stopped by a little country produce stand to get stocked up for the night.  The colors were brilliant!  You cannot beat fresh, summer produce.  

I sliced the tomatoes and sprinkled them with salt, pepper, and a little granulated garlic.  For Christmas, my sister gave me some fancy pants Cinnamon & Pear Balsamic Vinegar that I combined with a touch of olive oil for a light dressing.  I wanted to eat the entire plate of tomatoes, just tomatoes…..yum!

And Tomatoes!

I loved the variety in the squash also.  There were several yellows and greens.  I like squash most of the time, it isn’t my favorite, but I like it.  The colors were beautiful.

Happy Monday!