
My Exquisite Day on the Bethenny Frankel Show


This is not your average Effortless and Exquisite post because the day I’m going to describe is not your average day.  Certain ones we remember our entire lives.  This was one of those days.  It is still extremely surreal and I feel very blessed.  I will give you some of the background details and then the story.


The Background:   I am an unmarried, thirty-six  year old woman.  In the south this means something is dreadfully wrong with me, perhaps psychosis or anti-social behavior, whatever.  I should have been married many years ago…but I’m not.  My career is important to me and I like spending time with my friends.  However, my sister found a boyfriend for me last year.  I like him more than 51% of the time, so we are happy.  I’m kidding, well mostly.

For my birthday we travelled to New York City.  I have been a Bethenny Frankel super fan for many years.  We HAD to go to the show, so we got tickets.  I applied to ask Bethenny a question regarding my blog and was selected by a producer.  I was very honored to be able to ask Bethenny about my blog and the producer was great about tips and what to say.  On the other hand,  my boyfriend, Tripp, was arranging with the same producer to propose to me – as a surprise.  So after many bathroom phone calls on his part, which I thought were very disconcerting, and scheming; the day of Bethenny arrived! 

The car that picked us up for the show, how about my shoes!
The Bethenny studios
 The Day:


I was a nervous wreck and practiced my question at least one million times over the weekend, the day of, waiting for the show, during the show – you get the point.  I was taken to my own dressing room. Tripp was not allowed to sit with me.  He was secretly filming a video that was played prior to our proposal and meeting with producers to go over the sequence of events. The show had food for my two hour wait, those producers are very prepared.
Skinnygirl Bars, What else?
Jessica in orange

Jessica Yankelunas was our producer.  She is the perfect combination of organization and compassion.  She can weave an elaborate scheme in a pinch!  I appreciate her for so many reasons, I was nervous and she was kind – and she really went above and beyond to make the day special for both Tripp and myself.  Jessica gave me some quick advice before it was finally time for the show!

The Show:  I was led to my seat by a very sweet girl named Allie.  I had a huge blister on my foot from walking so much in the city, so I could barely walk in heels.  Also, I felt I was going to pass out from being so nervous! 
The swanky set
Finally Tripp was led to his seat and we waited for the show to start.
Waiting for the show to begin
The crew of Bethenny was really fun.  There was pre-show dancing and great music playing, it was a total party atmosphere while the last touches for the show were put in place.


And then, BETHENNY FRANKEL came out and everyone cheered!

Bethenny Frankel is gorgeous, the television does not do her justice.  She is so thin and fit and just a truly stunning woman.  She stood right beside us a good part of the show and even sat in Tripp’s lap once!  The show was packed with energy as Bethenny worked the audience and bantered with the guests.  The hour goes by very quickly.  Jessica came up to me at one point and said, “You are next, be ready.”  I thought I was going to have a stroke.

My segment began and I was furiously rehearsing my question in my head.  I was not paying any attention to my surroundings or the show.  All of a sudden, Tripp came on the jumbo screen on the set and I FROZE!  He had pre-recorded a video talking about me.  I was stunned once he said my name and the rest was a blur. 

He knelt down on one knee and proposed!! I don’t remember it really at all.  I was so shocked and very confused.  I couldn’t understand how this all fit in with my question.  It was genuine surprise.  I didn’t realize truly what was happening, well part of me did, but part of me didn’t.  Of course I said yes but it was in a daze.  As he stood up I blurted out, “What about the blog?”  It was awful, but probably very funny at the same time. 

In one hour, I spent time with a woman that I highly admire and I’ve followed for years and became engaged.  Bethenny changed my life in many ways (another post), but most of all has encouraged me when I most needed it to keep my head down and focused on my goals.  She empowers me and women everywhere to reach their highest potential and live a good life.  Bethenny is such a role model, there she was WATCHING me get engaged.  How amazing is that? 
And to be engaged to such a special man, in such a special way, who worked so hard to do this for me – it was all too much.  I was speechless and it wasn’t sinking in.  Bethenny also talked about my blog. Bethenny Frankel said Effortless and Exquisite, out loud!  She is sending us on our honeymoon and for another visit to New York.   I almost couldn’t take everything that was happening.  Shortly afterward we were led back to the dressing room, but I was walking on air.
The entire day, from Jessica, to Bethenny, to Tripp was a dream come true.  I read about days like this, but I would’ve never imagined this could happen to me.
Thank you to the Bethenny Show, thank you to Jessica Yankelunas, and thank you to Tripp for this day.  I will never forget it, like  never ever.