
Hope Springs Eternal…Happy New Year!


Every new year’s eve I feel a combination of anxious and hopeful.  I am excited and nervous at the same time for what’s to come.  Yes, the night is just another night, but one that marks a whole new year.  Each year is another proverbial chance to right the wrongs of the one before, to do those things we said we’d do and to stop those things we swore we’d quit.  It’s kind of a chance for a do-over of sorts.  I hope every new year’s eve that the year will be blessed and happy.  Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t, that’s just life.  However, the new hope that comes with each new year makes me smile.  

Happy New Year!

So this year, I wish everyone HOPE.  Sometimes I don’t have enough myself.  That is why my mom gave me the tree in the photo.  It is important to never lose sight of what is really important – family, friends, and hope for the blessings to come.  I will leave you with the words below of Alexander Pope.  Be blessed with hope this year, even in the face of adversity, may you all be richly blessed.  Happy New Year!

Hope springs eternal in the human breast;
Man never is, but always to be blessed:
The soul, uneasy and confined from home,
Rests and expatiates in a life to come.
– Alexander Pope, An Essay on Man