
Happy Mother’s Day!

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Sunday is Mother’s Day.  Mothers are special people.  I think it takes a special person to be willing to bear the pain of child birth, sometimes numerous times, and then bear the trials and tribulations of raising their children.  In this crazy world we live in with so many horrible influences, it must be a sometimes excruciating task.  Good mothers not only care for their children’s physical needs, but they also teach values, character, and integrity.  Proverbs 31 talks about remarkable mothers writing, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed.”  I was blessed with an extraordinary mom.

My mom, my cheerleader

There were four kids in our family.  My mom made sure we had good manners, if we didn’t have good manners that meant trouble. I think being raised in the Church of God had something to do with that.  We didn’t always have so much money, but being the resourceful gal she is – we never knew it.  She taught us that having good character meant more than having material things.  Mom made games out of the mundane things in life, couponing was a game, housework was a race…I never realized it wasn’t supposed to be fun until I was older.  

Mom made sure we had “culture.”  I hated, hated spending time at music lessons or working so hard on school work.  We didn’t have to be the best, but we had to do our best.  I thought sometimes it was a little dictatorial.  What I didn’t understand at the time was that instilling the value of hard work in her children was something that would be invaluable to us as we got older.  

There are many things you don’t comprehend as you are growing up.  You don’t always appreciate the lessons; sometimes you don’t even know you are learning a lesson.  Now that I’m (mostly) grown, I know how special my mama is.  My mom is my biggest cheerleader and my most loyal supporter.  She is that quiet worker in the background helping to make sure things go just a little easier.  Mom taught us to be independent thinkers and doers.  If you work hard enough you can accomplish almost anything.  I know that because I’ve watched my mom do it year after year.

The greatest gift mama gave me was her example of how a Christian woman should live.  She is an amazing wife, mother, and friend.  At the end of the day, I hope that I may be a portion of the person that mom is.  Thank you mama for being so special and we love you very much.