DIY Decor, DIY Projects, Holidays

Graduation Grub – Food for a Perfect Graduation Party

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Graduation party food doesn’t have  to be expensive or take time.  I like short preparations and easy cleanups, don’t you?  Let me help you.  These party snacks will take you under 15 minutes and you don’t have to turn on the oven (if you don’t want to).  Here we go…

Easy Party Snacks

I’ll start with the easiest one.  I bought chocolate chip cookies from the store.  You could bake your own, or purchase your favorite cookies from a bakery.  I placed each cookie in a fold top sandwich bag ($1 for 150 bags at a discount store) and tied the top with garbage bag ties.  Next I used a computer to print labels for each cookie.  You could get super crafty and create handmade labels in school colors also.  Print “You’re one smart cookie” on the label.  This is it.  Party favors in 5 minutes!

Smart Cookies

Next I made diploma cookies.  Easy, easy, easy and who doesn’t like chocolate cookies?

Diploma Cookies

From a discount store, I purchased Little Debbie Swiss Rolls ($1.50), Pirouline Cookies ($1), and two rolls of ribbon (47 cents each).  


Using one color of ribbon, tie a small piece around each pirouline.

Tie the ribbon

Unwrap the swiss rolls from the plastic.  Trim the ends of each one to expose the “roll” shape.  The ends are covered in chocolate and you want to expose the roll shape for so to mimic diplomas.  Once the ends are trimmed, tie the other color of ribbon on the cake rolls.

Trim the ends
Arrange the diplomas on a serving tray and they’re ready to serve.
Diploma Cookies
As far as drinks go, bottled drinks are fun for parties.  It eliminates the need for cups and the cleanup is easy.  I think soda tastes better in glass bottles anyway.  Making grad cap tops for each bottle makes a fun party favor and adds a bit of festivity to the bottles.


Grad Cap Bottles

Using the left over poster paper from the bowls here,  cut small squares just bigger than the bottle cap from the paper.  Next, cut small strips of paper.  Bend them in a circle that fits over the top of the bottle.  Tape the circle’s ends together.  Affix the ring to the square of paper using a small bead of glue around the inside of the ring.  Allow to dry.


Tape a small piece of left over ribbon to the top of the “Cap” and place on top of the bottle.

Grad Bottle Caps

Ta-Da, easy grad party!

