DIY Projects

DIY Fun Fruit

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It’s getting hot outside ya’ll!  Welcome to summer in the south, right?  Anytime it’s hot I want cool foods.  Well, I always want cool foods, but summer dictates chilly, icy foods – that kind of cool.  Fruit hits the spot.  I decided to jazz it up a bit for a fancy pants party or a girls lunch and keep it easy to make and serve with DIY Fun Fruit.  Grapes are easy to eat and eat and eat.  Grapes shaped like a flower arrangement win extra points.  You could freeze the grapes on the skewer and win the award for belle of the ball!  Let’s get the party started!


Grapes (two colors of grapes would look really nice)
Wooden skewers
Serving Vase



String between 6-8 grapes onto each skewer.  That’s it.  It isn’t rocket science

I like serving things in the summer in ice.  It is cool (pardon the pun) to look at but the ice also helps to keep the items you are serving cool.  I filled a flower vase with ice cubes and arranged the skewers in it.  Another yummy idea is to freeze the skewers with the grapes on them.  Frozen grapes are delicious and good for you and make a refreshing summer treat.  Once you freeze the skewers they may be served in the same manner.  The skewers are super easy for guests to select one and eat it.  Also, the cleanup is minimal.  
Fun and good for you, what’s not to love?

#grapes #summer #fun #food #recipes #summertime #cool #frozen #fruit