DIY Decor

DIY Christmas Table Decor

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Christmas is like 20 minutes away and the sprint to the finish is underway.  Hopefully your gifts are purchased and maybe even wrapped under the tree and the Christmas meal preparations are underway.  Create DIY Christmas Table Decor that doesn’t break the bank and can be made in minutes with wire from the hardware store.  Copper colored wire makes beautiful and unique Christmas trees that can be re-used for years to come.


You’ll need a piece of copper wire from any building supply or hardware store.  The length of the wire dictates the size of tree you wish to create.  This makes an easy project for kids or pesky relatives.  Let’s get started on this DIY Christmas Table Decor!


My largest two trees were made with pieces of 7′ copper wire.  They cost about 50 cents per foot for the wire which is great because by this time in the season money is tight!  You may also purchase different electrical wires wrapped in green, red, or white coatings that would be beautiful and festive.  Be sure to select a size/gauge that easily bends in your hands.  The larger the gauge of wire, the harder it will be to bend.
You have two options on the bending.  Use a cone shape to mold the wire around and wrap around the cone as you bend upwards.  Or – make concentric circles with the wire and pull into the tree shape once the piece of wire is fully wrapped into a concentric circle shape.  Option number 2 is easier and faster.  The trees took me about 15 minutes to make each one.
The result is a quirky yet elegant take on a Christmas tree.  Make several and surround with greenery and the table is set – you’ll also have an excellent conversation piece for less than $7.  Merry Christmas!