Christmas, Holidays

Cinnamon Scented Pine Cones

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It’s Christmas in July week and today I’m making a very easy (and short) project – Cinnamon Scented Pine Cones! These pine cones are incredibly easy to make and they smell so good – like all of the holidays in one bag. You can see video how to’s here and here and here.


Pine Cones

Cinnamon Oil

Baking Sheet with aluminum foil (if needed)

Plastic Gallon size bag

Collect the pine cones from your yard or on a nature walk. I used small ones but you can use whatever size is in your area. They are prolific on the ground this time of year. If they are wet or damp, bring them in and place them on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Put them in the oven for about 10 minutes on 200 degrees to dry.

Once dry, put a drop of cinnamon oil on each one.

Then place them in a gallon sized bag. You can put a few more drops in the bag and shake the pine cones around a little.

Seal the bag tight and allow the pine cones to absorb the oil for at least a month.

Once fall comes around, they will be ready to use through the holidays. These make great gifts and additions to centerpieces. My favorite is a big bowl in the living room to make everything smell like fall and Christmas. Once the holidays are over, put the cinnamon scented pine cones back in the bag and refresh them again with new cinnamon oil next year! Happy Christmas in July!